Reenactor Information
REENACTOR REGISTRATION: Reenactors must register at the registration tent. Membership in the NCWC, WCWA or other recognized reenacting reciprocal organization is required. Please have membership cards with you. Reciprocating organizations will need to sign a waiver to participate and must be current members of their respective organizations. Non-members will be asked to pay a fee and join a unit belonging to the NCWC in order to participate. Any reenactor found to be unregistered will be dismissed from activities by their commanding officer. All reenactors must register to be at the site. Returning members must have their NCWC paperwork completed 2 weeks before an event. New members may join at the event or online prior to an event if they know what unit they will be joining in advance.
REENACTOR REPRESENTATION: We all belong to smaller individual clubs who work both independently and dependently with the NCWC as a larger club. Units belonging to the NCWC must be accepted and meet criteria to maintain recognition within the club and to assist in making decisions at the board level. Individual members must present themselves professionally while maintaining their persona, and abiding by the Code of Conduct during their interactions with each other and the public. Members must follow directions and club rules as most of them pertain to the safety of both us and the public who visits. Please remember that since we are always actively recruiting we must present something worth viewing and or joining. We must work together to follow directions given to make events successful. The Executive Board and Event Coordinator are responsible for making decisions about the event during the event for last minute adjustments, the other details have been voted on by the Board and Unit Reps prior to the event. If you have questions or concerns please follow the chain of command: Individual, corporal, sergeant, commanding officer, respective battalion commander, unit rep, and then the NCWC executive board- if you’re unsure, ask someone in your unit and or commander, they will know who you need to talk too in order to get it properly addressed.
REENACTOR PARKING: You MUST park in reenactor specified parking. DO NOT block in horse trailers. If you enter the public entry gate you will be charged admission. Reenactors must not park in public parking areas.
SAFETY: NCWC safety rules shall apply at all NCWC events! Battle participants must have a current written safety test on file with their company commander. It is expected that each Unit Commander can show proof of safety test completion by all the members of that unit who will be participating at this event. ALL mounted members riding a horse on the battlefield must have passed a NCWC mounted certification test or similar test given by their reciprocating club with the horse they will be on. Weapons will be inspected at first parade by brigade and anytime thereafter by order of the respective company commander.
SET-UP: The park will be open for entry, registration, and setup the day prior to each event. Earlier entry is usually possible - contact the event coordinators to confirm. Cavalry and Sutlers are usually allowed to set up a day earlier, and maybe given the option to stay a day late as well.
MODERN CAMPING: See individual event notes. Contact the Event Coordinator with questions.
ALCOHOL: Alcohol may be used only in moderation and when all the following conditions are met:
a. In compliance with any local regulation.
b. Only after the last engagement when weapons are secured.
c. Only after the public has departed.
d. At backcountries, only during those periods of time which were decided upon prior to the start of the event. For example in the evening between agreed upon hours.
The use of alcohol in violation of these rules will result in suspension from the event and such additional discipline as is provided in the bylaws (See Article VIII of the NCWC Bylaws)
FIREWOOD: Firewood will be provided unless otherwise indicated in the individual event notes. Wood is supplied via the space to store and haul, plus the time to harvest and load: donated by fellow members. Units should not take more than needed, and may feel free to bring their own as well. Community wood will be placed in designated piles, for members to take from and use during the event. Please consider attending the work parties as they are planned during the off season to harvest or leading up to the events to load the truck.
FIRES: All fires during the event are to be contained in above ground fire boxes and or wood stoves. We are NO longer allowed to dig firepits at events like we used to be.
WAGONS IN CAMP: Wagons (our cars) are allowed to enter the camps during set up at the time given to you by your battalion commanders. If you need to leave early from an event you MUST speak to the event coordinator for permission and to also coordinate the safe entry and access to where you need to go. Exception: wagons moving wood and or water all allowed to enter after public hours and with permission to resupply for us and they will have prior permission from the event coordinator. The other exception that would allow for a wagon to be brought in early is for medical emergencies and will be coordinated while in progress. Most importantly at the end of an event: DUE TO SAFTEY CONCERNS – no wagons will enter the camp until 30 minutes after closing the camps so that the public may leave first, the exact time will be passed out by the event coordinator and battalion commanders.
CLEANUP AT END OF EVENT: Please leave the firewood that was supplied at the reenactment and stack it in one pile per battalion camp. Commanders/Leaders should inspect their camps to be sure they clean their sites satisfactorily, as poorly cleaned camp sites can result in fines to your unit. Please place trash in the appointed dumpster, (NOT just the nearest garbage can). DO NOT dump ashes on site, use a provided ash disposal trash can, or take them home with you and dump it there-- make sure they are good and cool before dumping. Please leave the site cleaner then when you found it.
Thank you!!
We also have a Members Facebook Page:
Please answer the screening questions for acceptance.
The North West Civil War Council Facebook Form Rules
1- This page is for members of the North West Civil War Council (NCWC) as well as for people who want to learn more about our hobby and our Nation’s history surrounding the American Civil War.
2- Please remember that we have people of all ages and backgrounds on this form. Be polite, and respectful.
3- This is not the place to discuss modern politics, such posts will be removed.
4- Photos posted on here are not to be shared without due acknowledgement of the source and photographer. They are not to be posted on other sites to make a mockery of them.
5- Admins monitor this page, we reserve the right to remove content that we deem to be offensive, or that does not pertain to the American Civil War, and or the NCWC. If you see a problem, please report it to an Admin. And members of this page can not block the admins, if you do you will be removed from this page.
6- The Confederate National or Battle Flag is part of our Nation’s history, on here it is part of the Southern heritage, and is not to be interpreted as a hate symbol.
7- Posts to sell items must include: price location(city, state), and contact info whether it be PM, a phone number, or email. All sale posts must be approved by admins. And the sale of firearms, black power, and other weapons is prohibited.
8- Violation of the these posted rules may lead to be removed and or blocked from this page.
We also have a public page for the general public who would like to learn more about our history and events: