Northwest Civil War Council
Confederate Battalion
Union Battalion
Winter Quarters
Cheadle Lake
Battle for Clatsop County
Yelm, WA
Albany Veterans Day Parade
Reenactor Information
Spectator Info
2025 Membership Form
Membership Interest
Multiple Minors Form
Sutler Membership Form Family
Sutler Membership Form-Single Person
Forms, Tests and Rules
Bugle Call
Announcements for Members
School Info
Our Photographers
Indicates required field
Business Name
Name of Sutler owner or person wishing to provide a service
Unit you wish to join
Date of Birth
Line 1
Line 2
Zip Code
Phone Number
Proof of Liability Insurance
Max file size: 20MB
If you choose to send a paper copy of your Liability Insurance, it must be to the Sutler Coordintator, before your membership cards will be sent out. NO Insurance on file means no setting up at an event. You must have your membership and insurance turned in at least 2 weeks prior to setting up at an event.
Mailing address is
GENERAL RELEASE OF LIABILITY-------------------------------------- I am fully aware of the nature and purpose of the activities of the Northwest Civil War Council (NCWC). I agree to be bound by the bylaws, rules and policies of the NCWC and to obey the direction of the governing officials at all NCWC events. I acknowledge that reenacting, black powder shooting, and related activities are hazardous, and that I have made a voluntary choice to participate. I agree to assume any and all risks of injury or death that may result from my participation in NCWC events. I agree to release, waive, and discharge from all liability to myself or to any of my family members, and promise not to sue the NCWC, its governing officials, its board of directors, or the owner or lessor of any property on which the NCWC conducts activity, whether caused by those parties, negligence or any other reason, for any injuries which may result form preparing for, practicing for, traveling to or from ,or participating in any NCWC event. I agree to indemnify and hold harmless the parties release above and each of them from any loss, liability, damage or claim they may incue due to my actions during NCWC events, whether caused by their negligence or otherwise. I understand that the NCWC's insurance protects the NCWC, not me. Accordingly, if I injure someone or cause property damage while participating in an NCWC event, the fact that the NCWC has insurance will not prevent the injured party from seeking compensation directly from me. It is my intent that this release be as broad and inclusive as allowed by law, and that if any portion is invalid the remainder shall continue in full force and effect. This release is entered into solely for NCWC events and does not confer a release upon any parties for their actions when not acting in furtherance thereof.------------------------------ I have read, understood and freely agree to the release and all its terms---------Sign in box below
Signature Person #1
Sutler/Vendor/Service Provider Policies
B. Commercial Activity (Sutler/Period Merchants/Service Providers
1. All period camps shall be closed to sales of products or paid for services historic or not, to reenactors and the public during the hours the camps are open to the public. Such sales and services will be restricted to Sutler Row. (AR VI – A – 6)
2009.1 Sutlers and Merchants Procedures May ‘09 (Rev. Nov ‘11) To establish and define a standard set of policies and procedures for all vendors, sutlers and/or merchants that attend Northwest Civil War Council events the following are enacted by the NCWC Board of Directors:
1. Sutler fee will be
the usual
annual membership. This fee will be payable when membership is turned in.
They must complete the Sutler Registration/Membership Form once each year, and pay annual dues. The Sutler Coordinator will retain a copy of these forms for presentation (upon request) to the Event Coordinator or NCWC Chair.
2. NCWC requires Liability insurance for anyone selling or providing a service
as a sutler.
The policy will be at least $1,000,000. Proof of insurance must be submitted with membership.
3. All sutlers/merchants must be members of the NCWC. Any "employees" must be a member of the NCWC, WCWA, CCWS, RACW. All sutlers/merchants and "employees" must also register at each event.
4. All sutlers/merchants wishing to attend NCWC events must contact the Sutler Coordinator prior to each event.
5. Any sutler/merchant who sets up in a space reserved for someone else may be required to move. They will be allowed to set up only if space is available.
a. All sutlers and/or merchants will be required to remain open during the posted public hours.
b. Sutlers will be allowed vehicle access into each public event as follows: From 7:00 am – 7:30 am and 6:00 pm – 6:30 pm OR as negotiated and approved by the Event Coordinator, AFTER PUBLIC HOURS ONLY. Sutlers will be required to confirm vehicle access into each venue previous to set up at each public event. Any non-emergency access to the park by any sutler will result in said sutler being excluded from future NCWC events. (11/17/2011)
6. All sutlers/merchants shall be responsible for their own security at NCWC events and we recommend purchase of comprehensive insurance against criminal activity or loss of property due to natural circumstances.
7. The following authenticity standards are required of all sutlers/merchants at NCWC events…
a. Wear period clothing during public hours. This includes everyone associated with running the store. (11,17/2011)
b. Display and sell goods that would have existed during the 1861-1865 period. Exceptions are items such as books, musical recordings or other modern goods that teach, explain or examine life during the American Civil War. Merchants will remove inappropriate display items at the request of the NCWC.
c. Erect an enclosure of period design and materials.
d. Cardboard boxes and other trash will be disposed of in the appropriate approved trash cans or dumpster. Trash will not be allowed to accumulate outside of the sutlery tent or anywhere visible to the public. (11/17/2011)
8. All sutlers/merchants shall provide a reasonable “money back guarantee” on their products. All items must be priced or a catalog provided to the customer which lists their prices.
9. Sutlers/merchants will not be allowed to
firearms, edged weapons, to anyone under the age of 18,
or gunpowder or percussion caps to anyone under the age of 21, or without the presence of the minor’s parent or legal guardian.
10. All sutlers/merchants must check the NCWC website or contact the NCWC Sutler Coordinator
to determine specific setup and tear down times for each event they wish to attend.
11. Any sutler/merchant who fails to comply with the rules as listed above may be asked to leave the event and may be prohibited from returning.
My signature below confirms that I agree with the sutler/merchant/service provider policies and I will abide by said policies.
Please list your employees or anyone who will be helping you during the weekend. If there is no one, type none.
Confederate Battalion
Union Battalion
Winter Quarters
Cheadle Lake
Battle for Clatsop County
Yelm, WA
Albany Veterans Day Parade
Reenactor Information
Spectator Info
2025 Membership Form
Membership Interest
Multiple Minors Form
Sutler Membership Form Family
Sutler Membership Form-Single Person
Forms, Tests and Rules
Bugle Call
Announcements for Members
School Info
Our Photographers