Civil War School Education
Is there a school program?
The Northwest Civil War Council (NCWC) has multiple options for schools or a classroom to learn about the living history of the American Civil War.
Option 1. A day long demonstration day. 5+ reenactors come and set up stations. A round robin of class time is best for this.
Option 2. If you have a small class or limited on time or would like to have a more intimate demonstration we can provide a couple soldiers to come in and talk for a said amount of time.
Option 3. If the school is needing an online only session we have a member that has a demonstration for you.
Option 4. SCHOOL DAY! Once a year there is a school day at an event in May. Schools are encouraged to make a day of it. There demonstrations throughout the camp and a small battle at the end of the school day. Please look up this year's school day date on the event calendar.
*Cost $3 per student and $5 per chaperone. Contact for Event Coordinator for more info.
What type of information will be provided?
We try to provide at least 2-3 soldiers to demo and talk about living history at each school presentation. On the long days we try to provide 4-5 stations. Subjects we try to provide: soldiers life, artillery, cavalry, medical, civilian life, etc.
Is there a grade level requirement?
We can plan accordingly to what grade we plan to speak with.
When can a school request a demonstration?
We require at least one week in advance to find the volunteers to come to schools. Schools are scheduled first come, first scheduled.
What information is the school required to provide?
To schedule an event please provide the type of demo option, grades, number of students, and preferred dates of demonstration.
Does this cost?
The NCWC is a non profit volunteer only organization. Donations are encouraged but not required.
Contact Heidi Davis at [email protected] to set up a school presentation and go over the particular interest you may have.
School days at our events
Cheadle Lake: Lebanon, OR - May 16, 2025